Our Next Steps Class is all about helping you step into God’s story for your life here at Northwood Church. During this class, our pastoral team will tell you everything you need to know about the mission, vision, and values of Northwood Church as well as a brief overview of our history. We will also go over all of our ministries and the many ways you can get involved at our church. Our desire is to get you plugged into our church family and equip you to live and love like Jesus both locally and globally.
Serving inside the church is a valuable form of getting connected here at Northwood. God specially equips each of us with gifts and talents that we can use to serve Him and one another. Our Dream Teams are a great place to start serving your church family with your unique spiritual gifts. Whether you have a passion for connecting with people, a talent for the creative arts, or a mind for technology, we have a Dream Team for you! Fill out the form below if you want to get connected to a serving opportunity in our church.
One of the key ways we encourage our people to live out our mission to live as family is through groups. By joining a group you are able to surround yourself with a gospel-centered community that is dedicated to discipleship, community, spiritual formation and mission engagement. Our Northwood groups are for all life-stages and age levels of our church including children, students, and adults, including men’s and women’s groups. For more information on how to get connected with a group come visit the New Here Kiosk on Sunday or fill out our online connect card!
Our Discipleship Track is a collection of learning experiences that aim to equip you with hands-on knowledge that empowers you to live and love like Jesus in your daily life. We cover topics that aid in your personal spiritual growth, sharing your faith with others, serving our neighbors both locally and globally, and making an impact in the public square. We currently offer Kingdom DNA as the place you start on the Discipleship Track and Domains as the next step on your journey. More will be added in upcoming semesters!
We conduct our Discipleship Track courses during the Spring and Fall semesters.