At Northwood, we believe and know human life is precious and possesses inherent value because every individual is created in the image of God.
The Multi-Ability Ministry has programming on Sundays and throughout the week to create inclusive spaces for individuals with special needs to experience the Gospel. We have a Monday Night virtual parent support group, a Sunday Morning Kids program, a Wednesday Night Adult program,
and a respite program.
If you would like to volunteer with any of these programs we are always looking for loving volunteers. We will train and support you as you learn about the Multi-Ability Ministry and how to be proactive in loving families impacted by special needs. Come join us as we live and love like Jesus in the Multi-Ability Ministry!
Contact Michael Dyson for more information on how to get involved.
Sign Language Interpreter
We have a certified sign language interpreter in the 11 am service. When facing the stage in the Worship Center the interpreter will be located on the right side. If you are unsure of where to sit an usher can help show you the way.
Braille Sermon Notes
There are baskets placed on the walls near our two main entrances containing braille notes.
Sensory-Friendly Bags
These bags are available in front of the sound booth each Sunday and each bag contains fidget toys, a coloring sheet/crayons, and earbuds.
If you have additional questions about in-service accessibility options please contact Michael Dyson.
Our Multi-Ability Ministry has an intentional Sunday morning classroom where trained staff and volunteers facilitate a teaching time during both Sunday services—so parents can go to service knowing their child is in safe hands learning about Jesus. We call this area of the Church the Joy Zone!
Contact Michael Dyson for more information
The Friendship Team is a group of adults with special needs who meet weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm in The Shed at Northwood. Bible Lessons, Worship, and games are led each week. The Friendship Team also attends the 9:30am Sunday service and sits as a group to the left if you are facing the sound booth.
This is an open invite group, contact Michael Dyson for more information
Our parent support group meets virtually every Monday at 7 pm on Zoom. We would love to connect you with other parents who can encourage you and provide support as you meet life’s challenges.
Contact Ann Teel for more information
REVIVE is a Respite program designed to care for children with special needs and their siblings. Supervised volunteers care for the participants while their parents have a night out.
If you have a child with special needs and would like to be part of our Revive program, you can request a link to fill out an online application by contacting Terri Allen or by downloading the application (HERE)
Revive is always recruiting volunteers. If you have a heart to serve in this program, please contact Terri Allen.