At Northwood, we want to live out our value of courageously loving all people by mobilizing you to live and love like Jesus in every context and season of life. We have opportunities at Northwood for you to do this both locally and globally. God has created all of us with unique jobs, skills, and passions and we want to help you find a place where you can make a difference in the world around you. Learn more about our current opportunities below:
Northwood partners with Academy 4 to mentor 4th graders in leadership at Watauga Elementary School. Once a month, for 90 minutes, our mentors serve together on a Friday afternoon during the school day. The one-on-one mentoring focuses on leadership while building a positive relationship with a caring adult. In addition, the 4th graders attend two spark clubs each month that expand their horizons.
This is a great opportunity for every NW member to use your passions and skills to serve others and advance God’s kingdom. Please click on the following link to sign up to be a mentor. Make sure you choose “Birdville ISD” and then “Watauga Elementary School”.
If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Venable at Ashley.Venable@academy4.org
Amira’s House is a home in Keller dedicated to supporting women through an unplanned pregnancy. They offer comprehensive and faith-based programming and a safe place to stay as these women transition into their life as a new mom. As volunteers, we serve in the “House Mom” role, which includes everything from bringing a meal and holding a baby to organizing a closet and watering the plants.
There are weekly opportunities to serve, both day and evening. Shifts last two hours, and you only need to commit to times you are available. If you have a heart for women in this season of life, please register at the link below. Paige Langford will reach out to you and coordinate a time to plan your next step! https://northwoodchurchdfw.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/947628
The Community Enrichment Center (CEC) is a non-profit committed to assisting and empowering victims of family violence, homeless and low-income families and seniors across Tarrant County.The CEC works directly with these families and individuals to move them out of crisis and into stability through employment readiness, high school equivalency, financial coaching, counseling, safe housing, food and basic necessities. These tools and Christ-centered resources help the CEC coaching staff to restore hope and share God’s love while guiding families toward a bright future which will end their cycle of poverty and/or family violence.
Besides sponsoring the Back to School Supplies event (Refresh BISD) every August, Northwood members have also committed to come alongside this organization by volunteering and supporting in any capacity they may need. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Uyen: uyenholdeman@northwoodchurch.org
Current opportunity:
Volunteer at the Food Pantry: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1 pm – 2:30 pm Please click on this link to register: https://northwoodchurchdfw.churchcenter.com/registrations/event/1894063
God has brought the world to our doorstep! Like every city and town in the United States, our community is experiencing an influx of people from all around the world. Many of these folks are unable to speak or read basic English.
In order to practically love these neighbors, Northwood has an ESL Ministry. Through this ministry, we will help non-native speakers practice their English conversation skills and develop friendships to support them outside the classroom. This class is open to anyone who would like to learn English as a second language, including the Skyline community, refugees, new immigrants, and more!
When: Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm
Where: Northwood Church – 100 Hallway
Volunteer positions: teachers, teacher assistants, and classroom assistants. No ESL experience or ability to speak Spanish, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, or other non-English languages is required!
To volunteer, please click on this link to register: https://northwoodchurchdfw.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2430237
For more information, contact May Saucedo at maysaucedo@northwoodchurch.org
Northwood Church partners with the Haltom City Senior Center to provide meals for the seniors in Tarrant County every 4th Wednesday of the month. Join us to serve this community by delivering prepared meals from Northwood Church to the Center either on the 4th Tuesday or Wednesday of the month.
Contact Pastor Uyen: uyenholdeman@northwoodchurch.org if you would like to help.
We currently partner with World Relief to support refugees moving to our area, and are starting a new small group to continue learning more about the biblical call to welcome the stranger and how to answer that call. Volunteer work includes activities like helping refugees resettle and find community in their new cities, assisting with transportation, taking them to grocery and doctor appointments, teaching ESL classes, and more. Join us to be the hands and feet of Jesus for these families.
For more information, please contact Sheila Joiner: simplysheila12.1@gmail.com
Small Group
To learn more about the biblical call to welcome the stranger and how we can take steps to live out that call, join our fall 2024 small group. Register here:
To volunteer, please click on this link to register:
If you wish to monetarily support this ministry, go to northwoodchurch.org/give/ and choose “Refugees”
Northwood’s Skyline Community Outreach is an outreach to a mobile home community in Haltom City. This community deals with issues such as drugs, poverty, lack of employment, immigration, language barriers, and many more. Our desire is to be the hands and feet of Christ and “Love Our Neighbors”! We will do this through different outreach opportunities, such as Summer Sports camp, bi-weekly Youth Club during the school year, Senior Care support, English classes, neighborhood beautification projects, and quarterly Family Events. As God opens the door, we will continue to obey! Come join us as we seek to be used by God to have a positive impact on this community!
Youth Club
Join us as we mentor kids and youth from the Skyline Mobile Home Estates community! We will play games, eat snacks and have small group bible lessons & prayer time with some amazing children! We meet in the clubhouse at the Skyline Mobile Home Estates from 6:30-7:30 pm. Bring the family or your small group and serve together. Register for every other week or once a month, whenever you can volunteer! Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent.
To volunteer, please click on this link to register: https://northwoodchurchdfw.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2099533
We teach English to adults from the Skyline Community during Youth Club! Come join us as we build relationships with the adults from Skyline and help them to learn English. No ESL experience is required or ability to speak Spanish.
To volunteer with our ESL ministry, please click on this link to register: https://northwoodchurchdfw.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2099533
For more information on any of our Skyline ministries, please send an email to skylineoutreach@northwoodchurch.org .
The Unhoused Community Ministry’s mission is to provide the unhoused community with necessary support as needs arise and to share with them the gospel and bring encouragement by showing the love of Christ.
Our ministry meets every 1st Saturday of the month (with some exceptions) at 9:30 am to distribute care packages for the community near True Worth Place Shelter, 1513 E Presidio St, Fort Worth, TX 76102.
Upcoming serving dates:
• Apr 13
• May 11
• June 8
• July 6
• August 10
• September 7
• October 5
• November 2
• December 7
Ways to Serve:
If you would like to serve, please register using the following link: https://northwoodchurchdfw.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2052918
If you wish to monetarily support this ministry, go to northwoodchurch.org/give/ and choose “Local Missions.”
If you wish to donate items for care packages—drop these items off on Sundays at our Donation Center located in the Glocal Café. Here is an ongoing list of needed items for care packages:
• Dial Bar Soap (white)
• Shampoo (Travel size)
• Conditioner (Travel Size)
• Toothpaste
• Toothbrush
• Bottled Water
• Deodorant
• Ziplock bags (gallon)
We also always welcome items such as jackets (all sizes), hats, umbrellas, and warm socks.
If you have any questions, please send an email to unhousedministry@northwoodchurch.org
Northwood has partnered with Watauga Elementary, a Title 1 school in Watauga for the last few years. We have come alongside their teachers and staff and asked the question, “How can we serve you?” This has manifested in a multitude of ways – from partnering with Academy 4 to mentor the 4th graders (see Academy 4 on our missions page for more details), helping teachers with classroom projects to hosting an annual Fall Festival. We are excited to come alongside to serve the school, the students and their families.
Upcoming service opportunities:
Fall Festival 2024
Date: October 19th, 11 AM to 1 PM (Plus time before to set up and after to clean up) Help man games and activities for the kids and their families. Help prepare and serve lunch. Registration will be open in September. For more information, please send an email to glocalimpact@northwoodchurch.org.
We feel it is important for our members to take their faith outside our church walls and to make an impact for Jesus Christ not only in our community but around the world. God has called Northwood to serve the country of Vietnam for over 25 years!
Northwood members have been serving communities in Northern Vietnam since 1995. Every year, Northwood sends 5- 10 teams to Vietnam, impacting multiple areas/domains in each of the communities we serve. Join us to participate in what God is doing around the world!
Passport to Vietnam Expo
Sunday, Nov 17th after both services. More information to follow.
Ongoing Opportunity: Online Vietnam Engagement
If you are interested in using your giftings and skills to serve Vietnam right here from home, send an email to glocalimpact@northwoodchurch.org
Trip Calendar
Visit this link for current information: https://northwoodchurch.managedmissions.com/OurTrips
Ready to go on a trip? Sign up using the following link: https://northwoodchurch.managedmissions.com/MissionApplication/Start/7855