This semseter our Financial Ministry is offering two small group sessions to help and support your finances in the new year.
Each class costs $35/person and is offered during the 9:30am service time. They will run from Sunday, Jan 26th - March 9th. Check out the details of each offering below:
Build Your Finances God's Way:
Get ready to have your life, your finances, and your relationship with the Lord taken to another level.
Through these six weeks, you’ll learn what the God of the universe has to say about money and possessions, how you can practically apply these words to your life, and how you can grow in leaps and bounds on your financial discipleship journey.
You’ll learn what God says about:
• Earning
• Spending
• Giving
• Getting out of debt
• Investing
• Teaching children
• Dealing with challenges
• Eternal perspective
• Experiencing contentment
• Finishing well
Set Your House in Order:
Have you already taken Compass and are ready for the next step in financial planning? Are you over the age of 50 and realize it's time to start thinking about the next season of life? Set Your House in Order is the perfect class for you.
This is a six week study that will give you the Biblical foundation and practical tools for organizing and planning your estate. The topics include:
-Preparation & Planning
-Investments & Insurance
-Advisors & Counsel
-Healthcare Decisions
-Estate Planning
-Leaving a Legacy